Thursday, July 14, 2011

Obama and his new campaign

Unit 1 allows us to focus on the representation of Blacks in the media, correct? Seeing as though the most influential representative of African Americans is Obama right, I thought it only right to discuss an article about him and his campaign. With everything that our president is currently being hit with, he is still managing to start his new race to reelection. That article focuses alot on how he is doing so well with raising money, not only for himself, but for the Democratic National Committee. Even with Obama trying so hard and doing so well for the Democratic Party, people are still not satisfied. Republicans continue to kick dirt in the face of our president, moching his future candidicy: "All the king's men and all the king's money won't be able to put this Humpty Dumpty back together again." This article actually, to me, does an outstanding job with portraying all of the sides of the fence. Doesn't necessarily mean that articles are always like this, we often see reports that reveal the unfallatering half of the Black community. Even now the media is doing that with Obama, mainly focusing on his flaws and issues in office. I believe that'll it'll take a long while to adjust to the blunders that Africans Americans experience in the media; and an even longer while for all of America to overcome the racial issues/biases.

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