Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Donovan McNabb gets traded for...

In last night’s commotion about where and for what Donovan McNabb will be traded for, local artist Wale tweeted the following, “So the redskins traded mcnabb for a practice jersey and a gallon of powerade”…That just about sums it for what the current knowledge of the situation. According to the Washington Post, McNabb will be traded to the Vikings for two sixth round draft picks in years 2012 and 2013…that’s if the world doesn’t end before that. With the Vikings and incoming quarterback Christian Ponder, McNabb will naturally play the grandfather role in raising the young man to be the complete NFL quarterback that McNabb once was.Who would really trade six-time Pro Bowler for two sixth-round draft picks though? The Washington Redskins would after finishing last in the NFC East, while sporting a 6 and 10 season. I guess that is all he’s worth though- a practice jersey for some free agent to slip into, and some powerade for the big fell Albert Hanynesworth and his several attempts to pass the Redskin’s condition test, which proves to be more challenging than that Japanese obstacle course- but that’s only if they decide to bring him back for another year…

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