Monday, July 18, 2011

Martin King Highway???

Marion Barry the Council member was one of the thirteen members that had to make the decision of making history. Thursday the council made the decision to name the highway after the great civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. Barry said that making this happen was one of the greatest honor that he could every experience he said that "We ought to be proud of us here in the nations capital.
Barry said that he was nervous that it was so many council members to make a vote on if it should be a Highway name after the King because he thought that many of them maybe thought it would be non sense to do that since he alreay had a street named after him in D.C. Barry once worked with King as a civil right activist until the King assassination in 1968. This is such a big honor for Barry to have this happen since he looked at King as a early role model in the 1960's.

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