Friday, July 22, 2011

Heat Wave gives D.C suburbs a Tropical Feel

It has been extremely hot in the last week. Temperatures in the high 90's however humidity in the 100's and beyond. "Thursday in the District failed to break the record for July 21 - 104 degrees in 1926. The record high for a July day in the District is 106 degrees-set in 1930." I can only imagine what the temperatures are in southern states such as Florida and Georgia. These temperatures are unbearable. The article states that "Everyone is vulnerable to heat-related illnesses when their bodies are unable to properly cool themselves." There are already deaths that have been attributed to the heat. "Maryland has reported six heat-related deaths so far this year, while Virginia has logged three." "To prevent heat-related illnesses, health departments have advised people to drink plenty of water, stay in the shade or in air conditioning and to wear light-colored / lightweight clothing." These are the times when you just soak up the AC and watch Netflix until the Sun eases. There is no need to be outside in this heat unless you are making money. Stay hydrated people.

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