Friday, July 29, 2011

D.C. Not Quite So Top for Single Ladies

"DC is not attractive for single women as it was last year, according to" First I would like to start by saying I have never heard of a single minded woman website. In this day and age I feel that there are websites for every aspect of life. Second I feel that this is an intersting article is great to share with the fellow men in the class about women in D.C. The website states that the "Districts ranking dropped because of the cost of living, employment outlook and the ratio of men to women." This article is saying that there is a slim chance that a woman living in D.C. is single because of these factors. Most of the women have a significant other and they maybe both pooling the money for expenses. So this goes to my conclusion that the best oppurtunity to find women may be right here in PG county men. Good luck finding them in D.C.

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