Sunday, July 24, 2011

Amy Winehouse Drug Abuse

Its interesting how many celebs get into drug abuse and end up overdosing. She was only 27 years old with a lot of money and a great life. If the people that are suppose to be role models are having trouble abusing some of these drugs I can only imagine the drug addictions that take place in the city of DC and how it affects some of the important things that are causing are youth to fail. Understanding how serious drug addiction is can help some of these problems but I thought it was an interesting point to see how people with so much money mess there lives up over a substance.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on how interesting it is to see how the rich and famous seem to be effected by the same problems as ordinary John Q. Public. But what I think a lot of people are missing is the fact that many abusers are not in the city like "DC" but are nestled in areas of the affluent suburbs like Montgomery and Fairfax County. Lets think about it, they are the only ones that can afford products like Cocaine, at least for the time being. And if you watch closely, you will see the upscale citizen driving in the drug neighborhoods, picking up there "prescriptions" from their pharmacist. Even rave club, that are overloaded with club drugs are riddled with suburban kids from the good side of the tracks. So don't just think this problem is with the inner city, as you mentioned it's with any and everybody..
