Thursday, July 21, 2011

DC Area and Dixie drifting apart

I came across this article a few weeks ago and this class helped me make sense of it. Click here to see it. The basic idea behind the article is that Dixie Liquors is one of the few stories with Dixie still in its name. It also claims that the DC area and the culture around is has shifted towards a more northern identity. The research used looked at popular grocery stores items and the popularity or country foods, store names and other cultural items such as southern hospitality.

This article is relevant perhaps not on a race level, but its relevant to the black Georgetown lesson. Its relevant because while Georgetown's identity shifted from a tight knight black community to a ritzy affluent area, the entire DC area could be shifting its identity into something new that we are not used to. Perhaps our children will see a completely different DC that looks more like New York than Chocolate City.

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