Monday, July 25, 2011

abortion doctor

An abortion doctor from Nebraska who travels to Germantown, Maryland is under heavy fire for performing late pregnancy abortions. He is currently the top focus for non-abortion groups and protestors who are against abortions. I'm not against abortions but i think that if you are under that much fire then maybe you should find something else to do. He states that he refuses to keep his name anonymous because he wants to expand his services, and feels that he is doing the right thing because the girls that decide to get these abortions because they would rather die then to have a baby. He has installed security cameras around his office and has metal detectors in his building to avoid trouble from protestors. His tenacity to continue these abortions despite all the legal and moral issues is intriguing because he continues to face these problems yet feels that what he does is right. I have no right to decide what someone should do, but I feel that he is helping the community because there arent many doctors who actually want to perform these abortions.

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