Saturday, July 16, 2011

Car Jacking in DC

With the nation still strongly in a recession you see many crimes specifically in Prince Georges county and D.C. With job still not hiring crimes are on the rise and in a big city such as DC people are doing just about anything to survive and a vast majority of crimes are taking place in the area. With more job opportunities some of these crimes could be lessened and the people of the city can be safer. In this story a woman and child were car jacked and had to jump out of the vehicle to escape more harm. These types of situations show the drastic measures people are taken to survive in the world today.

D.C is one of the nations largest and growing cities and for it to be the nations capital there needs to be a focus on doing things right and setting example for the rest of the country. If there are crimes like this taking place so close to the capital and the white house we can only imagine what is taking place in other parts of the country.

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