Monday, July 18, 2011

Do we really need legal accessibility to guns??

We all know how D.C. is infamous for crimes, a majority of them because of the possession of handguns. Well there's been a proposal, set by Democrat Phil Mendelson, lingering around Congress; stating that the District will be able to participate in gun trade. Violence is at an all-time high in the District and they want to implement a legislation that allows citizens to purchase firearms and import more firearms into the city. Initial law allows citizens to have properly registered handguns so long as they are kept in the home; banning them from being imported into the city. The problem truly only came about just as soon as the only person duely licensed to transfer and sell handguns went out of business because of leasing issues. So the question is, what will Congress do to rectify Mr. Mendelson's impulsory "solution"? The article makes it clear that there will be no pass in this bill, although they don't want to completely shut down his desire to come to the rescue of the city. Two other men from the D.C. Council would actually like to concentrate on assisting Mr. Sykes in finding somewhere else to place his business so that there will be no further issue in gun laws. I actually believe that'll be the best course of action, and the sooner the better. It'd be better because we all know that if people don't have the legal means to do something, they'll do it otherwise (meaning illegaly).

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