Thursday, July 21, 2011

Marion Barry Imposing His Will on the U.S. Government… Yet Again

When Marion Barry speaks people may not like it, but they do listen. Councilman Barry, who has been quiet as of late (other than his son’s recent run-in with the law) has spoken out yet again. Barry has called for a halt in the construction of apartment buildings in Ward 8, which serve as lower class residence in Southeast, D.C., “Barry stated that 24 percent of residents in the ward are homeowners yet the area is riddled with the highest percentage of renters in D.C.—more than 76 percent” (Butler 2011). Barry believes that there are more than enough apartments in Ward 8 and would like to see more homes built as opposed to more apartments so that a sense of ownership may develop and trigger a sense of togetherness within the community. In the councilman’s opinion, this would help more minorities take a step forward towards the American dream. Needless to say, Ward 8 is seen as a transition stage for people within the lower class; temporary living apartments which residents cannot invest in for the sake of future ownership and therefore move to other areas to establish their future. “I think he just wants to see Ward 8 with some longevity as opposed to a transition area utilized by people that are in D.C. for a short-term basis,” the Ward 7 resident said. “If you have more homeowners, the sense of personal responsibility, community responsibility and cohesive culture will build,” says Ronald Jones who is a project manager. Councilman Barry has had a history of standing up and opposing the system which is how people originally began to back him for mayor, he does not seem to be slowing down either. This recent action reflects comments made in The Last of the Black Emperors “We also elevate people who were defiant of the system… We’ve respected those people who can stand up to the system, and Marion has told almost everybody in this town where to get off” (Barras 6). Whether more houses are to be built in Ward 8 anytime soon remains unknown, but it sure seems Councilman Barry has the city headed in that direction.

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