Friday, September 2, 2011
Montgomery County debates merits of teen curfew
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Living at Home When You're 30 is Okay!!!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Black Stereotypes in Media
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
D.C. summer jobs program finishes $6 million under budget
If the District of Columbia chief financial officer Natwar M. Ghandi agrees with officials of the District’s summer jobs program, that the program finished six million dollars under budget. Then the D.C. summer jobs program, created by Marion Barry, is continuing to fulfill its intended purpose: to create summer jobs for low-income kids while allowing them to earn money over the summer. It appears that the District’s summer program, run by the Department of Employment Services spent only $10.8 million of its $16.8 million budget. It seems of the 14,000 participants between the ages of 14 to 21, only just over 11,000 young people completed the program working in businesses and for the district government. Officials may have over-represented the amount left unspent, but even if a fraction of that amount was left unused, and every penny was accounted for, it would be a marked difference from the days of the previous mayor Marion Barry whose government was known for its alleged corruption. D.C. Council member Michael A. Brown, chairman of the oversight committee, suggested that the surplus, given the problems faced by the program in the past, would be a major achievement for a program that had run as much as $30 million over budget.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Obama....Is it the platform or just the man himself
I have been watching this recent budget situation with Congress and the many Nay Sayers for some time now and have come to the conclusion that the overly outspoken opponents of President Obama, is not against him so much for the way he runs this country or his ideologies on social reform, health care, economics or even gay marriage, this is just pure and outright racism. Now if you listen to some individuals regardless of political affiliation, you will hear them speak on the way they feel on the various topics, and some have never changed the way they feel regardless of Clinton, Bush or whoever. But it seems to me, that this newly found “Tea-Party” seems to be a driving force behind these blatted attacks that to me are out and outright racist. Today, we are hearing stories like we haven’t heard in years regarding leaders and media referring to our President as a porch monkey or using other racial empathies. These Tea-Party goes seem to even have issues with fellow Republicans feeling they are not conservative enough for them, now to me, that is saying something. These individuals want to go back to how it used to be, and I have a question for the non-Whites Tea-Party goers that have joined this contingency. How far back to you want to go? It hasn’t been 50 years since we had Civil Rights of the 1960’s. Not long ago as Blacks, we were part of segregated school, public transportation, restaurants and hotels. Actors were only seen cleaning homes and not owning them, until we were “Movin’ On Up”. With all this in mind I just feel that, yea some people dislike our President because of his policies as do many people when it comes to whoever is President but when it comes to Obama...I ask…Is it the platform or just the man himself.
Missing/Exploited Children
Let me start by saying I think that the abuse of children is one of the most heinous crimes in the world and those found guilty of this crime needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. But in regard to this issue, what really bothers me is the inconsistent or should I say lack of coverage toward the abuse of our non-White children. The news recently covered the trial of Casey Antony and the death of her child Caylee. No matter where you were in the United States, newspapers, radio or TV news, the public was fully aware of what was going on with the situation at hand. Now as news worthy as this was, I think the media owes it to everyone to report stories involving missing, abused and exploited children of all races. Why do we not hear about Julio, Jada or Raheem? What about Maria or Jorge? These children have loved ones and people concerned about them just like the Caylee’s and JonBenet’s of the world. It’s sad but for many of the parents of these non-publicized cases, they have to turn to the web and post on site like, to get any form of help with their cause. I feel there is a major problem when over 30% of the total amount of the children missing is African American when this demography of the total population accounts for slightly less than 13%. It’s important that all individuals regardless of race or economic background take a stand and demand that we get these men and women off the street that is harming our youth. Aren’t the children of today, our future of tomorrow? As such we owe it to all children to protect them since they are not able to protect themselves. We must not forget that these same individuals that are harming non-White children have the same capability to do this to White children so let’s make it a priority to assist all our children regardless of race.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Blacks in Charge
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Gray petitions against media matters
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Son of Marion Barry
Will the Future Lead to Black Washington Remembered?
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Teen Murder
Donavan I am glad your gone, you deserve much better than you EVER would have gotten from the Washington Redskins
As a sports fan I am very happy that the NFL lockout is over with. But as an African American male, I am very upset at how the Washington Redskins handled their discomfort with Donavan McNabb. Now I must agree that he did not have what one would consider Pro-Bowl worth, but let’s be honest, who on the Redskins did? As far as McNabb is concern, for a quarterback to be effective you need to be able to protect him or at least have some healthy receivers to throw to. During his time in Philly he constantly made the impossible work with very little to no name support (remember Freddie Mitchell or Todd Pinkerton...probably not outside of Philly fans), but he at least had some help from an offensive line. This past year this coach that up I had some admiration for, wanted to put the blame on him and instead of doing the mature thing and admitting that he had a lot of work to do and it would not be done in one year, decided to make it look like it was all his fault. Then to add insult to injury, when they played the Detroit Lions, put in a no name to run a two minute offense and when the quarterback tanked, state he didn’t think Donavan was in football shape to do it. Give me a break. But now, this season you want the fans to get a warm and fuzzy feeling about a quarterback that when he went to report to Redskin Park, the security could not even recognize his, and would not let him on the property. Redskin fans can you say “Houston, We have a Problem”. I am not a Redskin fan but must say I have plenty of friends that are and hate to see the misery that they go through year and year out. This coach and owner are a cancer that the Redskin fans need to voice “their discomfort with” and stop going to the games and hit them in their pockets. McNabb is one of the classiest dudes in the NFL and did not deserve to be treated the way Shanahan has treated him. I do wish McNabb would have spoken up a little more, but that is not how this man operates and if you look at him through the years, history supports my sediments (remember the Pittsburgh game when T.O was screaming in his ear). I just hope that when he gets to Minnesota, whether he wins a ring or not, that he can enjoy the last years of his NFL career, cause he has done nothing but brought class and dignity to the sport that millions of fans year for every year look forward to. When you look at great players like Doug Williams and their former racist owner George Marshall, does it surprise one to see this subtle racial undertone? McNabb deserves to be treated a helluva lot better than any dog off the street would be, but when you think about it, this behavior seems to be the norm, when you are a part of Washington Redskin organization.
Danger Lurks so Be Alert
Northern Virginia is generally considered a safe area, especially when compared to the District of Columbia which is relatively close in proximity. However, this past Valentine's Day Fair Oaks Mall in Fairfax County was host to the first of several slashing and robberies. A young lady had her hands full of shopping bags ready to leave Fair Oaks Mall when she was attacked. The 20 year-old victim did not realize she was cut, only initially noticing that the 5-foot-6 heavy set Latino had ripped her leggings."'I didn’t even know I was cut, so I just yelled at him,' the woman said" (Q. Wu Washington Post). Apparently, this slash and steal strategy was used by the attacker several times in order to distract victims, and soon afterwards would escape with their belongings. The Post states "In most incidents, the man distracted the victim before slashing her, police spokeswoman Lucy Caldwell said. The women were attacked in the afternoon or evening, when stores are likely to be busy, she said" (Q. Wu Washington Post). Another incident occurred on July 25th as an 18 year-old was shopping at Forever 21. The report states "In the most recent attack, on July 25, an 18-year-old was browsing at XXI Forever about 5:30 p.m. when she noticed that a man behind her was bending down to pick up clothes that had fallen off a rack. She then felt a sudden pain and noticed she was bleeding. The suspect had cut through her denim shorts and underwear" (Q. Wu Washington Post). Two more attacks had occurred in June and another in May. Fairfax County is said to have one of the lower crime rates. However, being as though crime may occur anywhere, it is up to us the citizens to do our part and stay alert.
Summer Jobs
Fake IDS
Friday, July 29, 2011
Summer Learning Program Seeks to Close Opportunity Gap
At the end of the school year, summer vacation can be an exciting time for many upper and middle class kids in the Washington DC area. They look forward to vacations and summer camps that would engage, excite, and reinforce their educational needs. However, the same cannot be said for poor kids living in Washington D.C. While the D.C. government funds summer programs through the public school system, the majority of poor kids spend summer vacations without access to many educational activities. Emma Brown of the Washington Post, quoted Matthew Boulay, the interim chief executive of the Baltimore-based National Summer Learning Association as saying that “There’s a real disconnect between how much we know about the negative impact of summer learning loss and what is actually being done in terms of policy and programming.” He suggests that the school system spends nine months educating the nation’s children, but that in the summer months a great deal of what they have learned is lost. While many of the upper and middle class kids spend their summer vacation bolstering their education and other skills, the poor kids forget much of what they have learned in the previous school year. Emma Brown explains that the D.C. public school system provided 10,720 slots in their summer program for children last year; however, this year only 5,100 slots were offered due to shrinking budgets which forced the school system to “curtail summer offerings.” Many private organizations like the Horizons Greater Washington, the Wallace and Bill and Melinda Gates foundations, and the Wal-Mart Foundation are providing funding so that children from low-income families would attend camps like the one held at the Maret School in Woodley Park. The goal is to provide an educational program alongside all the fun-filled activities of summer.